Advocacy and Mentions will defend you in regard to the full range of criminal related matters, including breach proceedings in Apprehended Violence Orders and Traffic matters.
- Affray
- Armed Robbery
- Assault
- Bail
- Breach/Contravene AVO
- Breach of Apprehended Violence Orders
- Break, Enter and Steal
- Centrelink Cases
- Child Pornography
- Crimes of Violence
- Destroy Property
- Drug offences
- Firearms & Weapons
- Fraud
- Goods in Custody
- Indecent Assault
- Kidnapping
- Manslaughter
- Murder
- Receiving Stolen Goods
- Resist Arrest
- Robbery
- Stalk/Intimidate
- Stealing/Larceny
Traffic Law
- Drink Driving
- Driving in a Manner/Speed Dangerous
- Drive While Disqualified
- Drive While Suspended
- Habitual Traffic Offender Appeals
- Driving with Illicit Drug
- Licence Suspension
- Negligent Driving